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Communique Archive
Archive of Summary Emails

An archive of the Communique summary emails. Current articles can be found at
Brought to you by the UCCS Office of University Relations.

Volume 75, Issue 1

December 3, 2010

Nov. 29-Dec. 3, 2010

Editor's note: Communique is constantly updated to provide fresh content and opportunity for reader interaction. We encourage you to visit to see new information, to sign up for an RSS feed or to forward articles using social media tools such as Facebook or Twitter. The last weekly summary for the fall semester is Dec. 10.


Grandma to join graduates. Debbie Lapioli was pragmatic when asked how she would use time off near the Thanksgiving holiday.(More)

Weekend University offers alternative to skiing, football. Registration is underway for a new concept at UCCS, weekend-only classes. (More)

Staff members seated in classrooms. More than 50 UCCS staff and faculty members took advantage of an employee benefit this fall by enrolling in courses without paying tuition. (More)

December begins with forum, division updates. The December Chancellor's Monthly Forum featured updates from three campus divisions, Student Success, University Advancement and the CU Foundation.

Sun to power more of UCCS. A 25 kilowatt solar photovoltaic system that will provide approximately 3 percent of the energy needs of Centennial Hall was installed on the building's roof this week. (More)

Gallogly gold celebration. Tonight's Mountain Lion basketball game against the Fort Lewis Skyhawks will include a ceremony and tailgate party honoring the Gallogly Events Center for achieving Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design gold certification. The tailgate party begins at 5 p.m. with the women's game at 6 p.m., and the men's game at 8 p.m. (More)

Holiday festivities scheduled. Faculty and staff should mark calendars in anticipation of annual campus holiday festivities on campus and in the community Dec. 4 and 7. (More)

Books and bears boost service project. Holiday Service Project 2010 is showing an early harvest of giving tree tags and a slow flow of cash donations, according to project organizers. (More)


Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak was recently selected to work on Governor-elect John Hickenlooper's education transition team. Hickenlooper will take office Jan. 2011.

Who's New/Changes

Duvall to lead campus risk management. A current UCCS police officer will direct campus risk management efforts effective Dec. 1.(More)

November brings new staff. Two new staff members joined UCCS in November. (More)

In the News

The Denver Post wrote about higher education finances in State higher-ed officials approve tuition plans from CU, other schools


The Colorado Springs Gazette wrote about an upcoming Theatreworks production in Just a cowboy reading a story

The Colorado Springs Independent included a UCCS faculty member in Indirect mail

KRDO interviewed a UCCS staff member in UCCS Not Worried About Meningitis Outbreak (video)

In Denver Times wrote about budget presentations including CU's in Colleges make annual pitches to JBC

KOAA interviewed a UCCS faculty member in Black Friday, cyber Monday; local impact of shopping season

The Colorado Springs Gazette wrote about UCCS athletics in UCCS women pull stunner, men complete sweep

The Colorado Springs Gazette wrote about UCCS in UCCS holiday closure means utilities savings

The Colorado Springs Gazette published a column by a UCCS faculty member in GUEST COLUMN: We need more local news coverage during our elections

The Pueblo Chieftain wrote about a new program in CU eases transfers from community colleges

The Denver Post wrote about the value of education in Two years of college good; four years even better

KXRM featured a UCCS student in its piece Stopping a Drunk (video)

Communique is the online newsletter for UCCS faculty and staff. Communique is regularly updated and available at A weekly summary is sent to faculty and staff e-mail lists and, by request, to other e-mail addresses during the fall and spring semesters, monthly in the summer. An archive of previous email summaries are available at Suggestions and comments are welcome. Send ideas to or call Tom Hutton, 255-3439.

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