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Communique Archive
Archive of Summary Emails

An archive of the Communique summary emails. Current articles can be found at
Brought to you by the UCCS Office of University Relations.

Volume 69, Issue 1

June 18, 2010

June 2010

Editor's note: Communique is constantly updated to provide fresh content and opportunity for reader interaction. We encourage you to visit to see new information or sign up for an RSS feed. During the summer semester, a monthly summary will be sent to faculty and staff lists.


Summer enrollment strong. More UCCS students enrolled for the summer semester and in more classes, according to reports released Thursday by the Office of Admissions and Records. (More)

New vice chancellor brings Southern style to student success. Homer Wesley was disappointed the near-to-campus choice for lunch didn't have sweet tea on the menu. But that sadness quickly faded as the newest campus vice chancellor shared details of his career and persona during a recent interview. (More)

Science gets new look and name. To accompany a $17 million top-to-bottom renovation, the old Science Building will soon have a new name. (More)

UCCS highlights Bill Daniels legacy in special event. UCCS hosted a Thursday event highlighting the legacy of Bill Daniels, a business leader and philanthropist who died in March 2000. (More)

Pedestrian spine almost ready. A paved walkway stretching from Main to Columbine halls is nearly complete, according to Carolyn Fox, architect, Facilities Services. (More)

Book honors local writer and alum. A new book published by the university, "Gifts from the Heart – Stories, Memories, and Chronicles of Lucille Gonzales Oller," provides a peek into the history of Colorado Springs and challenges faced by women and minorities. (More)

Campus participates in emergency exercises. UCCS was the site of emergency exercises June 15 and 16 with visitors to the campus noticing increased police activity and a large, tethered radio communication balloon but experiencing no disruption in classes or university services. (More)

Refrigerators swapped. Ten old refrigerators, identified by avocado paint jobs and high energy consumption, were recently replaced with energy efficient models. (More)

Indian education accomplishments cause for celebration. While UCCS was celebrating its largest-ever graduating class, a group of local American Indians used the campus to celebrate its accomplishments. (More)

Middle schoolers put science into action. Middle school students did everything from decode their DNA to designing robots as part of a series of "real life" science workshops June 8 and 9. (More)

Unexpected infusion gets CLC fundraising to goal. When graduating senior Grant Matthews announced he and his Chancellor's Leadership Class peers were short funds for a scholarship, two long-time friends of the university stepped in. (More)

Longevity awards and TV trivia highlight staff luncheon. Brad Bailey's pink and yellow outfit earned Best Individual Costume honors at this year's Staff Council Spring Luncheon. See other award winners. (More)

Crossover applications symposium demonstrates education technology. Supporters of improving education for the blind took part in demonstrations of new technology May 15 at UCCS as part of the first-ever Crossover Applications Symposium. (More)

Money bus rolls onto campus. Campus community members will have the opportunity to meet for a free one-on-one with local independent financial advisors when the national Your Money Bus Tour rolls into Colorado Springs July 8-9. (More)

In memory

Ronald E. Wisner, dean of students at UCCS from 1979 to 2003, died Friday, May 21 in a mountain bike accident in an open trails area between Monument and Castle Rock. A campus memorial service is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. June 28 on the third floor of the Kraemer Family Library. Jane Wisner will attend the service and represent the family. Those interested in speaking at the service are asked to contact the Office of the Chancellor by phone, 255-3436, or email, (More)

Alice Cox, who served as dean of student relations and associate professor in the College of Education from 1971 to 1978, died May 11 in Denver at the age of 77. Her memorial service was May 16. Joan Ray, professor, English, spoke at her service. (More)


Deborah Kenny, associate dean for research, Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences was recently selected as a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, one of the nation's most respected professional organizations for nurses. (More)

Robert von Dassanowsky, professor, Languages and Culture, was a guest presenter at the annual Vienna Independent Shorts Film Festival May 27-June 2 in Vienna, Austria. (More)

Science & Engineering garners Building of America Award. The UCCS Science & Engineering building was recently selected for a Building of America Award by Southfield, Mich.-based Construction Communications. (More)

Who's New

There are six new staff members who joined the UCCS campus community in May. (More)

In the News

The Colorado Springs Gazette wrote about a new health center linked to UCCS in HEALTH CENTERS' PLANS BEAR FRUIT

KMGH aired a story about guns on campus in CU Regents Consider Gun Ban Appeal

The Boulder Daily Camera wrote about weapons on campus in Clock ticking for CU to take gun ban to Supreme Court

KOAA aired a story about campus emergency exercises in A TERROR "DRILL" AT UCCS "CREATES" A STIR IN COLORADO SPRINGS.

The Boulder Daily Camera wrote about higher education funding in Who cares about education?

The Colorado Springs Business Journal published a column by a UCCS faculty member in Let's avoid boom-to-bust strategies

The Colorado Springs Business Journal published a column by a UCCS dean in Commentary: 10 ideas on how to stop our 'brain drain'

The Denver Post wrote about actions taken by the CU Board of Regents in CU Regents vote unanimously to join Pac-10

The Colorado Springs Gazette wrote about summer youth programs in UCCS programs aims to reignite interest in science, technology

KOAA aired a story about a CU Aging Center fundraising event in Ageless Cuisine Benefit (video)

KXRM aired a story about summer programs in UCCS Summer Programs (video)

KXRM aired a story about a bike to work day in Bike to Work Day (video)

The Colorado Springs Gazette aired a story about dual enrolling students in High school students rack up college credits, earn degrees

The Colorado Springs Business Journal published a column from a UCCS staff member in Branding and setting ourselves apart

KOAA aired a story about UCCS in UCCS graduation today (video)

The Associated Press aired a story about UCCS in Mortenson receiving honorary degree from University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

The Colorado Springs Gazette published a story about a UCCS student in Military wife fought loneliness with college work First Kane Scholarship winners graduate from UCCS

The Colorado Springs Gazette published a story about a new administrator in UCCS names interim dean for College of Education

Communique is the online newsletter for UCCS faculty and staff. Communique is regularly updated and available at A weekly summary is sent to faculty and staff e-mail lists and, by request, to other e-mail addresses during the fall and spring semesters, monthly in the summer. An archive of previous email summaries are available at Suggestions and comments are welcome. Send ideas to or call Tom Hutton, 255-3439.

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