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Volume 62, Issue 2

November 13, 2009

Policies impact everyone

Speakers at the Nov. 11 UCCS Staff Council general meeting reminded the group that policy affects how, when and where employees do their jobs. And it pays to know the policies involved.

Cindy Corwin, director, Human Resources, shared a pair of draft policies with the group, seeking staff feedback. The first draft is a revised version of the university's leave sharing program, reflecting revisions mandated by the Colorado Department of Personnel. It clarifies the reasons for requesting leave through the leave sharing policy to be either a catastrophic medical hardship or a life-altering event.

The second draft policy outlines flexible work arrangements that supervisors and employees can consider as long as tasks are accomplished. For example, classified employees could participate in a 40-hour week by working ten hours per day for four days instead of eight hours per day for five days. The policy also allows exempt professional staff an alternative work location where an employee can work from home via computer. The proposed policy would allow the various offices to consider options to save time and expense, Corwin said. Stipulations include that these arrangements are optional and at the discretion of the department, such agreements are approved and documented, work hours are recorded for classified staff, and duties are accomplished satisfactorily.

Corwin emphasized that the policy drafts are currently in a working stage and need staff input and further review before final approval. She distributed a limited number of copies to interested staff and urged them to contact her with their feedback. Corwin will provide the policy drafts on request. Contact her at

Dan Montez, director, CU System Office of Policy and Efficiency, presented an overview of the system-wide policy-making process and the function of his office. He described some of the current efforts to remove obsolete policies and efforts to make sure existing policies are serving needs effectively.

He said the policy web site was designed and improved to help users find administrative policy statements, and he credited the site for much of the progress made in consolidating policy information. The site provides links, help buttons, FAQs, and the latest news in a continuing process to simplify finding policy information. Access university policies at Current policies under review involve academic affairs, capital construction, human resources and other areas.

Montez briefly discussed the president's task force on efficiencynoting that the group's recommendations will be posted on the web site along with news of the task force's accomplishments and ongoing plans. He said the streamlining process has eliminated much paperwork and duplication of effort. He added that the process to eliminate unnecessary policies and simplify existing procedures will continue. The task force is open to feedback and ideas. Access the efficiency task force at

- Ron Fitz


Communique is the online newsletter for UCCS faculty and staff. It is published weekly during the fall and spring semesters, monthly during the summer semester. Communique is sent to faculty and staff e-mail lists and, by request, to other e-mail addresses. Previous issues are available in the Communique Archives at, and the current issue is always at Suggestions and comments are welcome. Send ideas to or call Tom Hutton, 255-3439.

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