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Volume 58, Issue 1

June, 2009

21-year UCCS veteran earns Employee of Quarter honors

Mark Hoffman’s smile and quirky humor (he’s a Star Trek and Mork & Mindy fan) are some of his best-known characteristics.

But it was his commitment to students that led to his selection as Employee of the Quarter.

Hoffman started at UCCS in Jan. 1988 as a financial aid counselor. Since 1995, he has coordinated student employment services for the Office of Financial Aid and Student Employment and in 2004, became the campus coordinator for the AmeriCorps program. UCCS students received more than $180,000 in educational awards from AmeriCorps last year.

“The Student Employment Office is the backbone of pre-collegiate services,” Josephine Benavidez, director, Pre-Collegiate Development Program, said in her nomination letter.
“Mark has been a faithful supporter of all pre-collegiate students who work for the program. Mark’s contribution is over and beyond the call of duty.”

In between comments such as “Nah-noo nah-noo earthlings," a phrase from the 1970s situation comedy “Mork and Mindy,” Hoffman directs a $1 million annual student work study program, the campus Americorps Program and VINCE volunteer program as well as a web site for student employment, Sean’s Place. He is also active in many campus projects ranging from the faculty/staff art show to working as an instructor for Freshman Seminar.

“Greetings Earthlings!,” Hoffman said. “I am really very honored and appreciative of this award. It’s a great feeling to be recognized in this fashion after all these years at the university”

Winners of Employee of the Quarter honors receive a letter or recognition, three months free campus parking, one day of administrative leave, and $100.

To nominate a colleague who goes beyond what is expected, contact committee co-chairs, Rhea Taylor, executive assistant, Facilities Services,, or Shannon Huddleston, Office of Financial Aid and Student Employment,


Mark Hoffman

Communique is the online newsletter for UCCS faculty and staff. It is published weekly during the fall and spring semesters, monthly during the summer semester. Communique is sent to faculty and staff e-mail lists and, by request, to other e-mail addresses. Previous issues are available in the Communique Archives at, and the current issue is always at Suggestions and comments are welcome. Send ideas to or call Tom Hutton, 255-3439.

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