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University Relations


The online newsletter for UCCS faculty and staff. Brought to you by the UCCS Office of University Relations.
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Volume 58, Issue 1

June, 2009


Regents approve doctoral degree. The University of Colorado Board of Regents unanimously approved Monday a new doctoral degree in applied science for students at UCCS. (More)

Summer enrollment strong. More UCCS students enrolled for the summer semester and in more classes, according to official census reports released today by the Office of Admissions and Records. (More)

Chancellor to Regents: UCCS is moving forward. Despite tough budget times, UCCS will continue to move forward and to explore new opportunities including the Southern Colorado Innovation Strategy, a collaboratory of regional schools and increased sponsored research, Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak told members of the CU Board of Regents Monday. See the Powerpoint file used in her presentation here.

Solar panels part of Science and Engineering details. New, thin-film solar panels are installed on the roof of a new Science and Engineering Building at UCCS as the university continues to move into its largest, and most energy efficient, building. (More)

Faculty to guide electric car development. A UCCS professor will be part of a partnership of university and automotive engineers tasked with designing components for the next generation of cars in cooperation with General Motors and the University of Michigan. (More)

Southern Colorado schools pledge cooperation. The leaders of 10 southern Colorado colleges and universities will cooperate to improve local economies and individual futures, according to a statement signed by educational leaders on June 2. (More)

White wall party fundraiser. The Gallery of Contemporary Art will have a fundraising event from 7-10 p.m. June 27, celebrating the gallery’s bare white walls. (More)

21-year veteran earns Employee of Quarter honors.
Mark Hoffman’s smile and quirky humor (he’s a Star Trek and Mork & Mindy fan) are some of his best-known characteristics. (More)


Sod party. Faculty and staff are encouraged to volunteer to help lay sod on the south side of the Science and Engineering building beginning at 7:30 a.m. July 11. To volunteer, contact Debbie Lapioli, executive assistant, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance,

Bulletin changes with times. A 300-page overview of the university and academic courses offered is now online and called the Academic Catalog. The Office of Admissions and Records recently completed updates for the catalog in coordination with representatives from each college. The online-only publication is searchable and will help students understand requirements and to make course selections. To see the catalog, visit

Ice cream social. Staff council and the Professional Exempt Staff Association treated faculty, staff, students and a few campus visitors to a dish of ice cream June 17 and welcomed new staff members with complimentary tee-shirts or other UCCS-branded items. (More)

In the News

For more UCCS news mentions, visit


July 3 holiday. UCCS will celebrate Independence Day by closing campus on Friday, July 3. See the 2009-2010 holiday schedule. (.doc)

Who’s New/changes

  • Jesse Johnson, custodial intern, Facilities Services, effective March 1.
  • Rebecca Cope,   assistant director, University Center, effective April 27.
  • Richard Tobin, professional research assistant, Institute for Bioenergetics, effective April 1.
  • Gail Reutershan, administrative assistant, Freshman Seminar, effective May 1.
  • Michael Sanderson, recruitment coordinator, Graduate School, effective May 1.
  • Adam Polok, professional research assistant, Electrical and Computer Engineering, effective May 1.
  • Yuriy Garbovskiy, senior research associate, Physics, effective April 27.
  • Poval Krivosik, senior research associate, Physics, effective May 8.
  • Bradley Thacker, trainee, Facilities Services, effective April 24.
  • Christopher Hedrick, trainee, Facilities Services, effective May 11.
  • Phillip Gallegos, trainee, Facilities Services, effective May 11.
  • Martin Toetz, police officer, Public Safety, effective May 15.
  • Timothy Lowder, mechanical trades, Faciliities Services, effective May 15.
  • Denise Sheridan, general professional, Public Safety, effective June 1.
  • Stanley Rovira, project manager, Facilities Services, effective June 1.
  • John Salnaitis, associate director, Admissions and Records, effective June 1.

University Relations, University Events and Alumni Relations now University Advancement. The Office of University Relations and the Office of University Events and Alumni Relations will drop individual office names to emphasize their connection to the University Advancement Division effective July 1, Martin Wood, chief operating officer, University Advancement, announced. Functions, including internal communication, media relations, publication support, marketing, alumni relations, university events, community relations, federal relations, and real estate development, are all part of University Advancement. University Advancement is one of five administrative divisions of UCCS.


Mary Enzman Hines, professor, Nursing, was inducted as president of the American Holistic Nurses Association June 12 at the group’s annual meeting in Madison, Wisc.

Colorado Springs Utilities recognized UCCS energy conserving measures at its June 17 meeting. Brian Burnett, vice chancellor, Administration and Finance, and Linda Kogan, sustainability officer, accepted the award on behalf of the university. Since 2005, UCCS has decreased water consumption by 41 percent and per square foot energy use by 26 percent.

Six UCCS faculty members were awarded tenure at the June 22 CU Board of Regents meeting. They are:

  • Elissa Auther, associate professor, Visual and Performing Arts
  • Joshua Dunn, associate professor, Political Science
  • Monique French, associate professor, Business
  • Andrea Hutchins, associate professor, Health Sciences
  • Travis Peterson, associate professor, Health Sciences
  • Xiaobo (Joe) Zhou, associate professor, Engineering

Communique is the online newsletter for UCCS faculty and staff. It is published weekly during the fall and spring semesters, monthly during the summer semester. Communique is sent to faculty and staff e-mail lists and, by request, to other e-mail addresses. Previous issues are available in the Communique Archives at, and the current issue is always at Suggestions and comments are welcome. Send ideas to or call Tom Hutton, 255-3439.

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