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The online newsletter for UCCS faculty and staff. Brought to you by the UCCS Office of University Relations.
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Volume 57, Issue 3

May 20, 2009

Promotions approved for 10 faculty members

Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak recently approved promotions for faculty including associate professors and professors.

Tenure for associate professors is scheduled for approval at the June 23 CU Board of Regents meeting.

The promotions are effective with the 2009-10 academic year.


  • Andrew Czaplewski, Business
  • Rebecca Duray, Business
  • Susan Taylor, English
  • Becky Thompson, Women’s and Ethnic Studies

Associate Professor

  • Elissa Auther, Visual and Performing Arts
  • Joshua Dunn, Political Science
  • Monique French, Business
  • Andrea Hutchins, Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences
  • Travis Peterson, Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences
  • Xiabo (Joe) Zhou, Engineering


Communique is the online newsletter for UCCS faculty and staff. It is published weekly during the fall and spring semesters, monthly during the summer semester. Communique is sent to faculty and staff e-mail lists and, by request, to other e-mail addresses. Previous issues are available in the Communique Archives at, and the current issue is always at Suggestions and comments are welcome. Send ideas to or call Tom Hutton, 255-3439.

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