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Volume 57, Issue 3

May 20, 2009

Watson appointed UCCS counsel

A former assistant counsel and privacy officer for the University of Colorado System will serve as associate university counsel for the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.
Jennifer Watson began at UCCS May 1. Her appointment was announced by Dan Wilkerson, vice president and university counsel, CU System, and Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak.

Watson brings six years of legal experience, having previously served as a legal research associate for CU Denver and as assistant counsel and privacy officer for the CU System. As assistant counsel, Watson advised the CU Board of Regents, the Office of the President and various departments on issues including human subject research as well as federal laws such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

Prior to joining CU, Watson served as a legal advocate for the Urban Justice Center, New York City.

She is admitted to the Colorado Bar and is a member of the Colorado and Denver Bar Associations.

Watson earned a law degree from the University of Iowa and a bachelor’s degree in business from Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Mo.

Watson replaces Rosemary Augustine. Augustine will remain at UCCS in a part-time position as the UCCS sexual harassment and discrimination officer.

Communique is the online newsletter for UCCS faculty and staff. It is published weekly during the fall and spring semesters, monthly during the summer semester. Communique is sent to faculty and staff e-mail lists and, by request, to other e-mail addresses. Previous issues are available in the Communique Archives at, and the current issue is always at Suggestions and comments are welcome. Send ideas to or call Tom Hutton, 255-3439.

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