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Volume 56, Issue 1

April 3, 2009


DandapaniDandapani tapped as Engineering dean. A 23-year veteran of the faculty at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs is the new dean of the UCCS College of Engineering and Applied Science. Peg Bacon, provost, announced the selection of R. “Dan” Dandapani as dean of engineering Tuesday following a national search. His appointment is effective July 1. (More)

Engineering explained. What UCCS college awards in excess of 60 $2,000 scholarships annually and places more than 390 students into internships every year? R. “Dan” Dandapani, interim dean, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, provided an overview of the College of Engineering and Applied Science this week to a group of campus faculty and staff. (See the Powerpoint Presentation)

One piece at a time. After a short delay to ensure stability in the notorious soils of UCCS, pre-cast concrete walls for a new UCCS Event Center were lifted into place this week. See the first Lego-like piece of the building’s exterior move into place. (More)

Chancellor to provide update. Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak will provide a campus update on issues affecting the campus, including the state budget, at a forum scheduled for 2:30 p.m. April 6 in the University Center theater. Faculty and staff are encouraged to attend. Refreshments will be served.

Stimulate UCCS. Federal relations, including what the federal stimulus package means for Colorado and for UCCS will be the subject of a special forum scheduled for 2 p.m. April 10 in the University Center Theater. Representatives of the CU System’s federal relations team will make a brief presentation and answer questions. The forum will immediately follow the Faculty Assembly meeting. Faculty and staff are encouraged to attend.

Budget update. CU President Bruce Benson issued a budget update in the wake of suggestions of large cuts to 2010 state allocations for higher education. (More)

All a Twitter. A group to study the application of social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter is being assembled by Jerry Wilson, director, Information Technology. The group plans to look at uses, issues and concerns involved in social networking and to develop a plan for UCCS. To join in the discussion, contact Wilson,, or 255-3594.

Benefit plan enrollment to open. Faculty and staff interested in making changes to benefit plans including health, dental and life insurance, may do so from April 27 to May 22. Information brochures will be sent to each employee’s home address outlining procedures. Questions? Contact Cindy Corwin, director, Human Resources,, or 255-3696.

Student recall election cancelled. Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak announced today the cancellation of a recall election for the UCCS student body president, citing problems in the processes used. (More)


Debra Frank Dew, associate professor, English, and director of the UCCS Writing Program, was recently appointed to the Executive Board of Writing Program Administrators as co-editor of WPA: Writing Program Administration, the official journal of the Council of Writing Program Administrators. Her three-year appointment begins immediately and runs through spring 2012.

Who’s New/Changes

The University of Colorado Foundation named Brian Winkelbauer as vice president for development, effective April 1. (More)

Rosemary Augustine, director, Office of Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Workplace Complaints, will return to her previous duties of senior associate general counsel following the resignation of Senior Associate University Counsel Manuel Rupe. Rupe resigned to accept a position at Central Michigan State University. Augustine can be reached at 255-3423.

In the News

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Communique is the online newsletter for UCCS faculty and staff. It is published weekly during the fall and spring semesters, monthly during the summer semester. Communique is sent to faculty and staff e-mail lists and, by request, to other e-mail addresses. Previous issues are available in the Communique Archives at, and the current issue is always at Suggestions and comments are welcome. Send ideas to or call Tom Hutton, 255-3439.

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