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Volume 54, Issue 3

February 20, 2009


Black History Month celebration highlights role of Kansas teacher. Building on a quotation widely attributed to music mogul Jay-Z, UCCS faculty, staff and students joined in a celebration of black history and the 100th anniversary of the NAACP Tuesday night at the Lodge. “Rosa Parks sat so that Martin Luther King could walk,” Rosemary Harris-Lytle, a UCCS alum and president of the local NAACP chapter said, repeating the phrase often attributed to Jay-Z. “Martin Luther King walked so that Barack could run. Barack ran so that we all can fly.” (Read more)

Bulletin goes on-line. The era of distributing a 300 page document listing every course offered at UCCS will soon end. Beginning this spring, UCCS will join more than 400 other universities across the nation in producing an on-line, searchable academic catalog or, as it is known at UCCS, a Bulletin. (Read more)

Innovators to gather. More than 100 campus and community members will meet next week at Palisades at Broadmoor Park for a workshop to develop the Southern Colorado Innovation Strategy. Community leaders, joined by UCCS deans, vice chancellors, and faculty members will develop a strategy connecting university innovation to strengthening the economic, social and cultural vitality of southern Colorado. For more information, contact Martin Wood, chief operating officer, University Advancement, 255-3176.

It’s easy being green. Faculty and staff can go beyond turning off lights. The Office of Sustainability has several resource-saving tips and asks that each member of the campus community consider picking five.
( Read more: conservation_pledge.pdf )

Stimulus package offers hope. A new federal stimulus package announced this week in Denver has the potential to be good for students struggling to meet costs of attending college, Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak said this week. See stories from the Colorado Springs Gazette, the Chronicle of Higher Education and Shockley-Zalabak’s statement.

Meet the candidate. R. “Dan” Dandapani, interim dean, College of Engineering and Applied Science, will make a campus presentation beginning at 4 p.m. Feb. 26 in the University Center Theater. The presentation is part of his interview for the dean position.

President’s monthly news. See the latest from CU President Bruce Benson at


Abby Ferber, professor, Women’s and Ethnic Studies, was elected program chair for Smart-Girl, an organization that uses positive peer influence to support and inspire adolescent girls to make smart choices and become confident, capable and self-reliant women.

University Center. Recycling containers are now installed in University Center meeting rooms, drawing praise from the campus sustainability committee.

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Communique is the online newsletter for UCCS faculty and staff. It is published weekly during the fall and spring semesters, monthly during the summer semester. Communique is sent to faculty and staff e-mail lists and, by request, to other e-mail addresses. Previous issues are available in the Communique Archives at, and the current issue is always at Suggestions and comments are welcome. Send ideas to or call Tom Hutton, 255-3439.

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