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University Relations


Brought to you by the UCCS Office of University Relations.

Volume 54, Issue 1

February 6, 2009


budgetBudget updated. Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak briefed a standing-room-only crowd in the University Center Theater Wednesday about state budget cuts. The presentation will repeat at:

  • 8:15 a.m. Feb. 9 in Engineering 109
  • 9:30 a.m. Feb. 10 in Columbine 128
  • 1 p.m. Feb. 11 in University Hall 109
  • 9:30 a.m. Feb. 12 in Science 191
  • 1:30 p.m. Feb. 12 in Dwire 121

Faculty and staff are encouraged to attend a briefing.

+5%Spring 2009 enrollment up. More than 7,600 students enrolled at UCCS for the spring 2009 semester, a more than 5 percent increase from a year ago, according to statistics released today. (Read more)

Celebrating black history. When Nancy Todd was nearly struck waiting for a ride to school, she and her family catapulted into the then-burgeoning U.S. civil rights movement. Now, more than 60 years since that incident and 55 years since the landmark court case that ended school segregation and the nation’s “separate but equal” doctrine, Todd will speak of her experiences and those of her late mother, Lucinda Todd. Her visit is part of Black History Month celebrations at UCCS. (Read more)

HerreraProfessor earns Gee Award. Two University of Colorado professors are the winners of the 2008 Elizabeth D. Gee Memorial Lectureship Award, which honors teaching, scholarship and interdisciplinary collaboration that has helped advance women in higher education. Andrea Herrera, professor, Women’s and Ethnic Studies, and Mary Coussons-Read, who teaches psychology at the University of Colorado Denver, will receive the award at the 2009 CU Women Succeeding: Sixth Annual Faculty Development Symposium. (Read more)

Learn new ways to communicate. More than 100 faculty and staff will learn American Sign Language Feb. 11 as part of staff enrichment day activities. Two professional sign language instructors will teach basic sign language, deaf culture and the history of signing in a day-long session at the Lodge. To participate, contact Michelle Sorenson, program assistant, Disability Services, (2009StaffEnrichment.pdf)

LAS explained. What has 134 tenure and tenure track faculty, 90 instructors, 150 lecturers, 20 staff and more than 4,000 students? UCCS Dean of Letters, Arts and Sciences Tom Christensen shared these facts this week a presentation. (LAS-Strategy.ppt)

What’s the wit in “Wit?” Joan Ray, professor, English, will explain the humor behind the Pulitzer Prize-winning play “Wit,” now being performed by Theaterworks as part of a Sunday speaker series. Ray’s comments will be at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the Dusty Loo Bon Vivant Theater in University Hall. Click here to learn more about “Wit.” (PDF available)

Calling all fundraisers. Telephone extensions for CU Foundation staff members who office in Main Hall and assist the campus in reaching fundraising goals recently changed. Now, foundation staff members will share the “255” prefix with the rest of the campus. For a list of staff members and extensions click here (CUFoundation.pdf).

Not just any ceremony. With an estimated 200 people in attendance, this week’s celebration of the naming of the Multicultural Office for Student Access, Inclusiveness and Community on the first floor of the University Center this was a success. But participants did more than listen to speeches and grab a snack. Each was asked to place a thumbprint in support of the office’s pledge, “in order to reach our full potential, we must be committed to assuring a safe and inclusive community with access to all opportunities available.” (Read more)

Your opinion needed. Tell us exactly what you think about the official internal campus newsletter, Communique. The results will be featured in a later edition and will be used to make improvements and changes. Take the three-minute Communique Readership Survey by midnight.

This is your last chance!
Tell us what you really think.

Take the three-minute Communique Readership Survey

Survey ends at midnight, Feb 6.


LinhartUCCS Employee of Quarter. Standing six-feet-five-inches tall, Steve Linhart is a commanding figure on the UCCS campus. But it is collaborative approach and hard work that earned Linhart, executive director, Student Support and Judicial Affairs, honors as the UCCS Employee of the Quarter. (Read more)

Who’s New

  • James Maxwell, administrative assistant, Admissions Services, effective Jan. 26.
  • Melissa Hurt, custodian, University Center, effective Jan. 27.
  • Mark Cuilla, materials handler, Bookstore, effective Feb. 1.
  • Benny Rendon, structural trades, Facilities Services, effective Feb.1
  • Christopher Wiggins, information technology professional, Information Technology, effective Feb. 9.

In the News

For more UCCS news mentions, visit

Communique is the online newsletter for UCCS faculty and staff. It is published weekly during the fall and spring semesters, monthly during the summer semester. Communique is sent to faculty and staff e-mail lists and, by request, to other e-mail addresses. Previous issues are available in the Communique Archives at, and the current issue is always at Suggestions and comments are welcome. Send ideas to or call Tom Hutton, 262-3439.

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