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University Relations

Volume 53, Issue 1

January 23, 2009

UCCS professor most productive in World

A professor at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs is the most productive scholar in the field of information systems, according to a study recently published in the European Journal of Information Systems.

Gary Klein, Couger professor of business at UCCS, was cited at the top of a list of the “Top 32” most productive authors in the World in information systems. The study was completed by Michael Gallivan, associate professor, Georgia State University, and Raquel Benbunan-Fich, associate professor, City University of New York.

In their study, Gallivan and Benbunan-Fitch challenged previous rankings of productivity by examining criteria used to determine which journals were of the highest quality as well as whether there was geographic or gender bias. The study resulted in broader representation of authors from outside North America as well as of more women scholars but left Klein at the top of the list. Previous rankings had also placed Klein as among the most productive scholars.

“We are very proud to have the most prolific publisher of information systems among our faculty,” Venkat Reddy, dean, College of Business, said. “This ranking confirms Gary’s position as a leader in information systems and showcases the College’s efforts in helping the campus accomplish the vision of becoming a comprehensive regional research university.”

The complete article is available here:

Klein teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in emerging technologies, programming languages, and project management. His research interests include system analysis and design, model management, project management and decision support systems. He joined the UCCS faculty in 1998 and served as interim dean of the College of Business in 2003-2004.



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