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University Relations

August 29, 2008 Communique

Campus telephones to move from “262” to “ALL”

In another sign that UCCS is growing, the campus will soon outgrow its “262” telephone prefix, according to Jerry Wilson, director, Information Technology.

As a result, beginning Jan. 1, 2009, UCCS will begin its transition to “255” or “ALL” for outside dialing of university telephone extensions.

“Many of the details are yet to be completed with Qwest,” Wilson said. “Over the next few months, we expect to complete the details and do an extensive marketing effort to advise the campus and the community of the change.”

Wilson said the decision to announce the change at the beginning of the fall semester is part of an effort to help campus departments plan for the change, particularly as items such as stationery and business cards are ordered. Though Wilson anticipates Quest will provide for a phase-in period where either “262” or “255” prefixes connect callers, short print runs are suggested.

Plans currently call for four-digit department numbers to remain the same. As a result, on-campus dialing will not change. The prefix change will primarily affect off-campus callers trying to reach department numbers as well as those of individual faculty and staff.

In 1996, UCCS opted to purchase 2,300 numbers using the “262” prefix. With the growth of the campus, as well as with the advent of fax machines, there are only a few numbers left – not enough to accommodate much more campus growth, Wilson said. Rather than divide the campus with multiple prefixes, campus leaders opted to go with a single prefix that will accommodate campus growth for the foreseeable future.

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