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University Relations

May 2, 2008 Communique

Chancellor cautiously celebrates best budget of new century

Citing details of the best UCCS budget in the past decade, Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak celebrated with faculty and staff Tuesday as part of her April Chancellor’s Forum.

Reviewing campus priorities that are aligned with the Strategic Plan, Shockley highlighted compensation rates for faculty and staff, tuition increases and new construction funds allotted to the university as part of the final actions of the Colorado General Assembly.

“It’s good news,” Shockley-Zalabak said. “While I am as concerned about the economy and the clock that is ticking on Referendum C, this is clearly the best budget the university has had in many, many years.”

For classified staff, the General Assembly approved salary survey average increases of 3.8 percent plus an additional 1 percent base-building performance pay increase for level two and three performers. Level three performers will also receive a one-time 2 percent boost that is non-base building. Classified staff will also receive an increase in the contribution to health insurance premiums to 90 percent of the market.

Faculty and exempt staff will participate in a salary pool that ranges from 0 to 4.8 percent. Additionally, Chancellor Shockley-Zalabak said she will utilize a 1 percent discretionary pool for exceptional merit, salary compression and salary equity awards. Faculty and exempt staff will also receive an increased employer contribution to health insurance premiums.

“I’ve reviewed the data,” Shockley-Zalabak said. “I know that faculty and staff salaries need to be boosted. We will boost salaries as a way of showing that we value your contributions to this university.”

Shockley-Zalabak also highlighted the $7 million appropriated for the Science and Engineering Building construction and a decision by the General Assembly to fund the renovation of the Science building estimated at $17.1 million.

To fund salary increases as well as strategic goals identified in the Strategic Plan, Shockley-Zalabak said tuition for a full-time Colorado resident undergraduate will increase 7.5 percent, or about $326-$390 annually. UCCS officials said the increase is the lowest among CU campuses and could be the lowest in Colorado.

Shockley-Zalabak also reviewed strategic goals for the campus, selected by faculty and staff in a series of meetings this fall. The goals will be used by the University Budget Advisory Committee and the Chancellor and her leadership team in setting the FY 2009 budget.

( The priorities and the Powerpoint slides used at the forum are available here. )

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