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University Relations

April 18, 2008 Communique

Communication conference draws national crowd

Students from 33 colleges and universities will convene on the UCCS campus today and tomorrow to participate in the 7th Annual National Association of Communication Centers Conference. Entitled “The Trails We Blaze: The Communication Center Expedition,” the conference is sponsored by the UCCS Center for Excellence in Oral Communication and the University of Wyoming Oral Communication Center.

The conference will draw approximately 100 students and faculty from universities across the nation. Universities such as Virginia Tech, University of Pennsylvania, University of Maryland, Arizona State, Mary Washington University, Wittenberg University, St. Cloud State, and San Jose State, will be represented

Throughout the two days, attendees will have the opportunity to go to numerous seminars and workshops about trends and innovation in communication, particularly university communication centers. Several of those seminars will be led by UCCS Department of Communication students and faculty.

Sherry Morreale, assistant professor, Communication, will present a session about the critical roles for communication laboratories in the 21st century. UCCS communication department students, Katie Puryear and Marcie Hureau will present two workshops about graduate teaching experiences and working with the hearing impaired.

Pam Shockley-Zalabak, professor, Communication, and Robert Wonnett, vice chancellor, Student Success, and Barbara Gaddis, director, Excel Centers, will also take part in the conference and host a reception for all those attending.

Campus community members may attend the programs and workshops for free. To learn more, or to attend one of the sessions, please contact William Huddy, director, Oral Communication Center, 262-4771, or visit

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