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University Relations

April 11, 2008 Communique

Soldier-to-teacher program allows public service careers to continue

Two local school districts will hire current military members and veterans up to two years in advance to teach elementary and secondary school classes, according to a new agreement between the districts and the Mountain West Troops to Teachers program based in the College of Education at UCCS.

Called Hire in Advance, the agreement allows current and former military members who are registered with the Troops to Teachers program and eligible to be both enrolled in a UCCS teacher licensure curriculum and eligible for employment with Colorado Springs School District 11 or Falcon School District 49, to know they have a job waiting for them.

“This program allows military members still on active duty to plan for the future,” Joe Morgan, director, Troops to Teachers, said. “A seamless transition from one public service career to another will now be possible.”

The Colorado Springs-based Hire in Advance program is the first to include a college or university, Morgan said, and one of only seven of in the nation.

“As a former U.S. Army intelligence officer who transitioned into teaching, I can attest to the value of this program,” La Vonne Neal, dean, UCCS College of Education, said. “The College of Education is honored to support our military community with this milestone partnership.”

To celebrate the program’s launch, Troops to Teachers will host an event at 4 p.m. April 14 at the Lodge on the UCCS campus. Representatives from the UCCS College of Education, Troops to Teachers, School District 11 and School District 49 plan to attend.

Individuals interested in learning more about the program are encouraged to attend the event or to contact Meghan Diderrich, associate regional director, Mountain West Troops to Teachers, (719) 262-3486 or

More information about the Troops to Teachers program is available at

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