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University Relations

March 21, 2008 Communique

UCCS & PPCC sign joint engineering agreement

Chancellor SigningEngineering students at the UCCS and Pikes Peak Community College can now enroll concurrently at both schools. The engineering concurrent program allows students the opportunity to complete a bachelor’s degree in a timely manner and have access to UCCS amenities such as engineering labs, the Kraemer Family Library and a new recreation center.

The program is unique because it allows students to attend both institutions at the same time and to select from each institution’s course offerings. Students who successfully complete the program will earn an associate’s degree from PPCC and a bachelor’s degree in a specific engineering discipline from UCCS.

The project was finalized on Tuesday when UCCS Chancellor Shockley-Zalabak and PPCC President Tony Kinkel signed the agreement at a ceremony in the UCCS Engineering Building.

During the past three years, administrators and faculty from both schools completed details with the goal of making it easier for freshman- and sophomore-level engineering students at PPCC to take classes at UCCS.

The agreement is the most recent example of cooperation between UCCS and PPCC. In recent months, UCCS opened its student housing to PPCC students. And, for several years, a UCCS University Connection program has assisted students in transferring credits from PPCC to UCCS and provided scholarship support.

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