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University Relations

March 21, 2008 Communique

Safety Memo: Crisis Exercise

Chancellor Zalabak

To the campus community:

Providing a safe learning environment for faculty, staff and students is a priority for the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. To that end, the university will be the site of a full-scale emergency response exercise throughout the day on March 28.

As part of that exercise, emergency responders – police, fire, and medical personnel – from throughout the region will be on campus to simulate a crisis and how various organizations would respond to it. The bulk of the activity will be in and around the Science and Engineering Buildings but disruption is likely throughout campus.
I am writing to make you aware of the visitors on campus and to ask your cooperation.

It is imperative, given the events at other college campuses, that UCCS prepare for what was once the unthinkable. I ask that you comply with requests for space, for materials, and for time, from those directing our crisis exercise, namely the Campus Police Department and the Center for Homeland Security.

I recognize that these requests may be inconvenient and may require that you find alternate space to work. For faculty, staff, and students in Science and Engineering, we ask that you not be in those buildings between 6 a.m. and 4 p.m March 28. If your presence in the building is necessary, please contact Tina Markowski, Center for Homeland Security, at 262-3274. Alternative work site arrangements should be coordinated with your supervisor but are expected as we strive to ensure that UCCS remains a safe learning environment.

If you have questions or concerns about the event, please direct them to Jim Spice, chief, Police Department, or Brian Foltz, emergency preparedness coordinator, Police Department, at 262-3111.



Pam Shockley-Zalabak

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