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University Relations

Feb. 8, 2008 Communique


President finalist visits UCCS. Bruce Benson, sole finalist for CU president, attended forums and fielded questions from UCCS faculty, staff and students Tuesday and Friday. (More)

Spring 2008 enrollment tops 7,300. More than 7,300 students enrolled at UCCS for the Spring 2008 semester, an almost 2 percent increase from a year ago. (More)

UCCS hopes for best, will prepare for worst. A Friday shooting at a vocational college in Louisiana is not the kind of news that Jim Spice, chief, UCCS Police Department, likes. But Spice believes that in the tragedies at Louisiana Technical College, Virginia Tech and Colorado Springs’ New Life Church, there are lessons that can be learned. (More)

Human resources director tapped. A veteran human resources specialist with longtime ties to the University of Colorado is the new UCCS Human Resources director. (More)

Pencils, paper, pens and altruism. Students at John Adams Elementary near Prospect Lake will receive fresh school supplies and health or beauty items as part of the 2008 School Supplies Drive. To donate, or to assist with the drive, contact Liz Taylor, circulation supervisor, Kraemer Family Library,, 262-3286.

Cats and dogs? Rabbits and lions? Find out what kind of animal you are, and what kind of animal your colleagues are, at Staff Enrichment Day Tuesday in UC 116. For more information, and to reserve your spot, contact Jane Muller,, 262-4553.

Who’s New

  • Henry Ellis, men’s soccer coach, Athletics. (More)


Alex Soifer, professor, Interdepartmental Studies, was selected to give a lecture tour of Greece. He will present at Ionian University, Kerkya, as well as in Athens and at a Mathweek event in Thessaloniki.

In the News

Communique is the on-line newsletter for UCCS faculty and staff. It is published weekly during the fall and spring semesters, monthly during the summer semester. Communique is sent to faculty and staff e-mail lists and, by request, to other e-mail addresses. Previous issues are available at // Suggestions and comments are welcome. Send ideas to or call Tom Hutton, 262-3439

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